Individualized, holistic care for you and your baby.
The fourth trimester - the first three months after baby and parents are newly born - is a tender and sacred time of reconnection, adaptation and continued transformation. Midwifery care for you and your baby focuses on keeping you and your baby together, providing respectful and gentle care, and minimizing visits outside the home in the early weeks postpartum.
Did you know the majority of maternal complications after birth occur in the first six weeks postpartum? And the majority of those who would like to breastfeed, but struggle due to lack of support, stop breastfeeding in the first six weeks postpartum? With compassionate, respectful and individualized care, risks are reduced for both you and your baby, outcomes for mothers are improved and breastfeeding success rates increase significantly. Your care doesn't end there - the first year postpartum is full of transitions for both parents and baby. You'll receive regular check-ins over the course of the first year to ensure the best outcomes, care and support for you and your baby.
Postpartum & Newborn Care
Postpartum Care:
After baby is born, the birthing parent is also newly born. Adequate care and support during the first few weeks postpartum are especially important for long-term recovery and wellness. Care for the mother after birth includes:
Physical Exam and Tracking Vitals
Breastfeeding Support and Guidance
Postpartum Belly Binding
Vaginal Steam Herbs for Better Postpartum Recovery
Screening for PMADs (perinatal mood disorders, like postpartum depression and anxiety)
Emotional Processing of Birth and Postpartum Journey
Labs and Testing as Requested or Indicated
Gentle PAP at 6 wks postpartum (if indicated)
Pelvic Floor and Abdominal Separation Assessment
Postpartum Education & Care on Desired Topics
Easily Accessible Care Provider to Answer Your Questions
Referrals for Outside Care as Needed
Newborn Care:
Midwives are qualified to care for healthy newborns for the first six weeks after birth. Visits with you and your baby include comprehensive newborn care, while supporting the fourth trimester bubble by seeing you and your baby together in the comfort of your own home. Services for baby include:
Physical Exam and Tracking Vitals
Tracking Weight Gain
Assisting with Latch and/or Breastfeeding Concerns
Newborn Care Education
Easily Accessible Care Provider to Answer Your Questions
Referrals for Outside Care as Needed
Visit Intervals:
Once you are home from your birth location, you will receive in-home postpartum visits at 72 hours, 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks and 6 weeks after birth.
You will also receive in-office visits at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months postpartum.
Postpartum & Newborn Care
$2,000 (full care) or $200-$300/visit
The cost of labs are not included in this fee - generously discounted cash pay rates are offered, some insurance plans can be billed to cover labs.
Per visit rate is $300 per home visit; $200 per office visit.
Full care includes visits from 3 days postpartum to 12 months postpartum.