"I was a completely different mom this time vs. last time without the placenta capsules."
Kayla T, San Diego
Your Placenta Encapsulation Specialist
Courtney Scott LM, CLEC, PES
Hi! I'm Courtney, and I'm so honored to support you in postpartum wellness. As a mom of three amazing kiddos, I've had my own personal experiences with utilizing my placenta for postpartum recovery, in addition to supporting over 1,000 other women with placenta services.
It all started during my first pregnancy, when I read about encapsulation and said, "ew!" then promptly moved on without a second thought. Sadly, we ended up having a *rough* recovery -- for many reasons.
Fast-forward to my second pregnancy and I said, "yes, please!!" and had my placenta transformed into smoothie pieces, capsules, a tincture and a salve... Wow, that escalated quickly! I was willing to do anything and everything to better support myself and my recovery this time around. And when I say it was a night and day difference, it truly was!
And once I was pregnant with my third, I didn't hesitate.

Marlo S.
"I had an incredible new mom experience - with a great milk supply, high energy level and generally just felt happy. I was worried from what some of my friends had told me would be the hardest months of my life - but I enjoyed every minute and I know these pills helped."
Krystal P
"It was definitely worth the cost! If I have another baby I would definitely do it again. My pills helped my postpartum bleeding, overall healing, and energy! I always knew when it was time to take my next dose, and after I took it I would feel better within an hour or so!"

Over A Decade of Experience
As a holistic healthcare professional with experience in the field since 2013, it is my priority to provide you and your placenta with exceptional care.
I understand that when I arrive to pick up your placenta for processing, you are entrusting me with the proper care and handling of your precious placenta. I make it my number one priority to exceed the level of expectation you have for safety, sanitization and proper protocol.
I require verification of a negative Hepatitis and HIV result before processing.
I maintain a separate workspace in my home that I use specifically for processing placentas.
I utilize a sanitization process that exceeds OSHA's standards for blood borne pathogens sanitization, which includes washing all tools with soap and hot water, soaking in a bleach solution, and then washing with soap and hot water again, both before and after each placenta we process.
I use as many disposable tools & supplies as possible to further reduce the risk of cross-contamination.
I only process one placenta at a time from start to finish before beginning to process another placenta in order to ensure that you are receiving your placenta and that there is no cross contamination.​
It is most important to me that your placenta is honored and respected to the highest standards. If you have more specific questions about my workspace or how I sanitize and process, please feel welcome to give me a call - I'm an open book!
Photo: Creating a placenta print at a homebirth right after the cord was cut.

"I felt wonderful right after the first smoothie and I still take a pill every couple days and it has been 3 months. I will be very sad once my pills are gone!"
​Rebecca D, San Diego
Benefits of Placenta Encapsulation
Placentophagy: “The ingestion of a human placenta at any time postpartum, by any person, either in raw or altered (e.g., cooked, dried, steeped in liquid) form.”
The research about the benefits of placenta encapsulation is still in its infancy, although there are a few studies out there that have focused on individual beneficial elements of placentophagy. In 2013, the University of Nevada Las Vegas released a survey study of self-reported benefits and experiences of placenta consumption. The full research article can be found here.
"95% of participants had a "positive" or "very positive" experience with placentophagy, and ALL but two of the participants said they would use placenta again after a subsequent pregnancy."
If you'd like to do some further reading, here are a few resources where studies about placentophagy since the 1950's have been compiled: Placenta Benefits info Research; Placenta Network.​
Between 2015 and 2020, I conducted my own survey study and sent a survey out to all of my clients at six weeks postpartum asking about their experience with encapsulation.
Here's what my clients reported...
Better Mood &
Feeling More Balanced
Increased Energy
Quicker Healing

Decreased Feelings of
Sadness & Anxiety
Increased Milk Supply
Decreased Bleeding

Is Courtney your midwife or doula?
All families who are birthing with Courtney as their midwife or birth doula monitrice will receive a $50 discount on placenta encapsulation services.
Learn more about each of the services offered.
Placenta Services...
Placenta Encapsulation (Capsules/Pills): This method of preparing the placenta involves dehydrating the placenta until all of the moisture is removed. The placenta is then ground into a powder and encapsulated into capsules for easy consumption. Vegetarian capsules provided upon request.
Whole Placenta Smoothies: This is a great option for those who only want to have placenta smoothies. Your placenta is prepared raw into individually wrapped, frozen placenta cubes to add to smoothies. Anytime you need a raw placenta boost, blend your smoothie with a placenta cube! The number of frozen cubes depends on the size of your placenta. *This method does not involve capsules.*
Loose Placenta Powder: Not a fan of swallowing pills? Loose placenta powder is great for adding to smoothies and food!
Add-On Placenta Services...
Placenta Smoothies, 12 Cubes: This add-on service provides you with individually wrapped, frozen placenta cubes for 6-12 days worth of smoothies (one to two smoothies per day).
Placenta Tincture, 4oz: The placenta tincture is another way to reap the physical benefits from the placenta besides capsule form. Tinctures are mainly meant for energy, transition, stress, and hormone stabilization. They are great for returning menstrual cycles, menopause, and even the puberty of your daughter(s). Relatives on the maternal line of the birthing mom can also benefit from the tincture as it has an almost indefinite shelf life if stored properly. The tincture is made from a thumbnail size piece of raw placenta and high-grade alcohol, steeped for 6 weeks postpartum and then strained. It is stored in a 4oz dropper bottle.
Placenta Prints, Umbilical Cord Keepsake: Placenta prints and cord keepsakes are a great way to commemorate the beauty of the placenta and to honor the special role it played in your baby's growth and development. These add-on services are free with any other placenta services. Placenta prints are made paint-free on watercolor paper. The umbilical cord is preserved as a heart-shaped keepsake.​
Add-On Postpartum Services...
Traditional Bandage Belly Binding:
This belly binding package includes two belly binding bandages with written and illustrated instructions to guide your loved one in wrapping your belly postpartum for optimal postpartum healing. Traditional Bandage Binding is done with large elastic bandages that are wrapped back and forth around the woman's waistline and secured with clips. The bandages are lightweight and breathable enough to be worn under clothes and while sleeping at night, but also have enough elastic to achieve the desired fit. This binding is a gentle binding - it is not super tight like a girdle or corset. Extra tight bindings prevent your muscles from functioning properly during their healing time. The gentle Traditional Bandage Binding supports your muscles in both healing AND functioning properly. The benefits of belly binding include the following: helps your uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size, helps your abdominal muscles heal together correctly, helps your organs relocate themselves in your abdomen, decreases postpartum bleeding and reduces hemorrhaging, provides support and posture assistance during breastfeeding, prevents cold (imbalance) from entering the woman's body, gives the woman a sense of "togetherness," security and comfort. You can read more about postpartum belly binding here.
Healing Salve, 4oz: The healing salve has many uses. The salve can be used postpartum for mom and baby to soothe hemorrhoids, perineal tears, diaper rash, eczema, sun burns, skin irritations, sore nipples, as an intensive moisturizer and for general healing & skin care. It may also be used to heal a Cesarean section incision after the wound is closed and to reduce scarring, itching and discomfort. The healing salve is a blend of all organic ingredients that includes: organic olive oil infused with the organic herbs comfrey, calendula, plantain and helichrysum; organic coconut oil; organic almond oil; local beeswax, organic vitamin E, frankincense essential oil.
Postpartum Vaginal Steam Plan & Herbs:
Includes postpartum vaginal steam herbal blend (enough to steam once per day for two weeks), postpartum vaginal steam plan, vaginal steam setup guidance & instruction. Vaginal steaming after birth helps your perineum heal, reduces hemorrhoids, reduces the overall length of postpartum bleeding and decreases the risk of vaginal infection post-birth. You can read more about vaginal steaming here.
NORA Tea is a nourishing herbal tea, suitable for anyone throughout their reproductive years. With a smooth and earthy taste, this tea is beneficial postpartum to help rebuild lost calcium and mineral stores after pregnancy, to help rebuild blood volume after blood loss, and nourishes the liver and tones the uterus. Herbs contained in this blend: Organic Nettles, Organic Oatstraw, Organic Red Raspberry, Organic Alfalfa. This bag contains 2.1oz of loose leaf herbs for approx 30 servings.